Quick Questions with LET rookie and current co-leader Margarita Ramos from Mexico

                                                           Margarita Ramos

Getting to know the LET’s new member Margarita Ramos from Mexico.

1.      When and how did you start to play golf? When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I started to learn how to drive the golf buggy. My father was looking for a sport where all the family could be together. He used to work very hard during the week, so we could barely see him so he decided that golf was the most appropriate sport. So I started to play in Tabachines, 1.5 hours away from Mexico DC. Now, we all play, my brother, my parents and myself.

2.     Tell me something most people don’t know about you? That I can speak French.

3.     What would you like to do for a living if you are not a pro golfer? I would love to play the piano.

4.     Education? Which University and degree? I attended Arizona University, in Tucson and I majored in Business Management.

5.     How many and which languages do you speak? English, French and Spanish.

6.     Who would be in your dream foursome? Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott and Tiger.

7.     What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax? I love to run and swim.

8.     Your favourite movie: The Pursuit of Happyness” with Will Smith.

9.     What invention do you wish you had thought of? Some App for Iphone.

10. What’s your favourite tradition from your country you love doing? I love Christmas in Mexico, with all the lights and decorations.  

11.  What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment to date? Regarding something not related with sports and golf, my biggest accomplishment has been to create a very nice and united group of family. My brother and I live abroad, but fortunately we are still a very close family, and this is something great to me. And regarding my accomplishment in golf, I won my first professional tournament with my mother and here I have played very well.

12.  What is your favorite store to shop in and why? “Visibilly”

13.  What is your favorite time of year? Christmas

14.  Tell us something you hate doing. Why? I do not like cooking although I love confectionary and making cakes.

15.  If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be? Life….

16.  If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day? I would like to jump from an airplane and go skydiving.

17.  Name something you consider yourself to be really good at? Confectionery.

18.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would like to go to Australia.

19.  Best part of your game: I think that all in general is ok, but I like my driver.

20.  Weakest part of your game: Long irons.

21.  Best round ever: (-6) in a tournament on the Cactus Tour in November 2012.

22.  Expectations in 2013: Keep on practicing very hard and improving my game.