PLAYERS BLOG: Melanie Maetzler talks about her rehabilitation after recent surgery

The 2016 LET Access Series season starts this week and all the girls have been working really hard the past two months to be well prepared and ready. Unfortunately not me. I had to have surgery on the right wrist on February 9th, my birthday.

Luckily it was only a little surgery and it went well but still, not playing golf for almost two months now is a long time for any golf player. So instead of hitting balls, working on technique and feeling, I am seeing the physio almost every day. Here is what a day in rehab looks like:

After I wake up around 8 –no need to get up earlier, there is not enough to do to fill a day anyways J – I have breakfast and then hit some putts in my room while I digest. Before I see the physiotherapist at 11, I go to the gym and work on my core and legs. 

My hand always needs a little rest after the physio treatment, so I go home to eat lunch with my mum and have a little rest. Its great to be around my family during this time. In the afternoon its time for endurance training. Either interval, long runs or an hour on the bike at home (more than an hour on the bike is too boring J).

After the training I make sure I take care of my muscles with stretching, a massage or a long warm bath.  There is always time for some office work and more putting before dinner and then I am looking forward to a good movie…

This is more or less what the past two month looked like. It is not easy to keep myself going day after day and I had my bad moments but in the end this is also part of my job and I am looking forward to the better moments on the green surface again…!