Order of Merit winner Mireia Prat talks about her season and future plans

LETAS Order of Merit winner, Mireia Prat

2013 LETAS Order of Merit winner, Mireia Prat tells us about her season and future plans.

If you could chose a tournament and a golf course this year on LETAS, which ones would they be? A tournament: Ocho Golf Ladies Open in Galicia. Golf Course: Terre Blanche.

      Tell us a player who you admire and that you have been impressed with this year on LETAS and why?

Every player I have played with this year has different qualities and everyone has her own game…but I can say that, in my opinion, LETAS is improving more and more…;)

Analyze your game this year. What do you think has been the best part?

I think it has been my short game overall and the mindset during all the season.

Do you feel prepared for the LET in 2014? Is there anything you feel you need to improve to perform at your best next season?

I think I am really prepared. I played 5 LET events this year and I did quite well, so I will try to do the right things and play my best game.

I would say I need to gain an extra 8-10 metres with my driver and avoid some mistakes that I made this year.

 Who are your favourite players currently playing on LET and why?

 Lee Anne Pace and Charley Hull at the moment. I played with Lee Ann Pace in one tournament and she is a great player. And Charley Hull because she is only 17 and her performance this year was amazing, including her play at the Solheim Cup.

Which tournament would you like to play next year?

     The Evian Championship and Ricoh Women’s British Open… 

     Your golfing hero is? Tiger

 Your plans for Christmas?  I will stay at home with my family having a good time and also I will spend some time with my friends. I love Christmas.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully I see myself playing golf somewhere in the world šŸ˜‰