Nathalie David-Mila answers 18 quick questions

1. What is your earliest sporting memory? My first hole in one when I was about 12 years old, and my golf pro at that time saw it!!

2. What is the favourite club in your bag? The driver.

3. With whom would you like to play a fourball? Lorena Ochoa, Tiger Woods and Tom Watson.

4. What was your proudest moment? When I won the Ladies Scottish Amateur Championship in Troon in 2003.

5. What can’t you live without? Creme, for my face, body, hand, for the sun, etc…

6. What is your favourite golf course? I don’t have one favourite, I like inland courses like Mortfontaine in France, and links course like the Royal Portrush.

7. Any superstitions? Not really but I don’t like to walk under a ladder..

8. Who do you most admire? People who invest themselves and take risks to achieve what their goal is and are successful.

9. What is your favourite meal? “Gigot d’agneau aux haricots blancs et pommes de terre”, lamb with white beans and potatoes.

10. How would you spend a perfect day? I would get married again with my husband and party with all the family and friends who were there in the first place!!

11. What’s your motto for life? Future will tell what’s going to happen.

12. Describe yourself in a word. Organized.

13. Neat or messy? Neat most of the time but sometimes messy.

14. What’s your favourite song at the moment? Forever, “Relax, take it easy” from Mika!!

15. What’s your passion outside golf? Everything that has to do with arranging my house or my garden.

16. Motto for golf? “Come on, let’s play!”

17. What’s in your golf bag other than clubs? Water, golf balls, tees and markers, sunscreen cream, lip balm, puppets…

18. What is your best golfing tip? “To gain control, give up control”