Getting to Know Valdis Thora Jonsdottir

Valdis from Iceland returns this season to the LET Access Series after gaining her LET card for the 2017 season. We ask Valdis a few quick questions…

Who is your favourite golfer?

Sergio Garcia

What’s your favourite club in your bag?

My 9 iron I feel really confident that I will hit a good shot

What’s been your biggest golfing achievement of your career?

Getting my card for the LET. I also made it to the final of the Faldo Series in Brazil

Which is your favourite golf course?

I like a course in France called Dinard

What is the one thing you could not live without?

Pepsi Max

What is your favourite food?

Chipotle – they serve the best Burritos

How would you spend your perfect day?

Wake up go to the gym, play a round of golf and then go to Chipotle for a Burrito

Your favourite city?

I really love Barcelona; the architecture is amazing

Describe yourself in one word?


What do you like doing besides playing golf?

I like playing soccer but I don’t get to play that much now, I also love my board games

If you could travel anywhere where would you go?

Australia, but I am actually getting to go this year!

What’s your best golfing tip for a beginner?

Stay patient and keep your left arm straight

Do you have any superstitions before a round?

I used to be but not so much now. I just like to keep to the same routine like sleeping for only 8 hours

What is your most memorable sporting moment?

I made a hole in one in a tournament in Iceland, it was horrible weather, I was playing so bad and I got to the 8th hole and said wouldn’t it be nice to get a hole in one and I did it!

What’s in your golf bag besides golf balls and clubs?

Chewing gum and so many Sharpie pens as I make my mark as a flower

What are your goals for 2017?

I would like to get a couple of top tens and to stay in the top 50 of the order of merit on the LET Access Series