Getting to Know Rachel Rossel

Twenty-four year-old Rachel Rossel, from Bern in Switzerland, is in her rookie season on the LET Access Series. We caught up with Rachel and asked her a few quick questions…

Who is your favourite golfer?

Tiger Woods. I guess he influenced the golf sports and it would not be the same today without him.

What’s your favourite club in your bag?

My putter. I can always rely on it.

What’s been your biggest golfing achievement of your career?

Italian International Ladies Championship – 1st (as an amateur).

Which your favourite golf course?

I have two favourite golf course,s both in California: Bighorn in Palm Springs and Pelican Hill in Newport Beach.

What is the one thing you could not live without?

Family and friends. They provide me every support you need to get through life.

What is your favourite food?


Who do you most look up to?

My parents. I would love to offer my children the same fulfilled life as they offered to me.

How would you spend your perfect day?

Playing golf with my family and my boyfriend in Bighorn.

Your favourite city?

Cape Town. I especially love the lifestyle of this city.

Describe yourself in one word?


What do you like doing besides playing golf?

Hiking, spending time with my family and reading, especially love stories with a happy ending.

If you could travel anywhere where would you go?


What is your most memorable sporting moment?

My last putt at the Italian International Ladies Championship.

What’s your best golfing tip for a beginner?

Staying patient, it will pay off.

Do you have any superstitions before a round?

No, I am not superstitious. However, I always mark with the same marker, it is a smiley.

What’s in your golf bag besides golf balls and clubs?

Enough food, sunscreen and some medicine.

What are your goals for 2018?

I do not have goals regarding results, but I’d like to find a constant physical condition after my injuries last year. I set myself small goals and try to reach them step by step. I’d like to have a great time in my first year as a golf professional.