Getting to Know Marion Duvernay

France’s Marion Duvernay is currently lying in 9th place on the LETAS Order of Merit, after securing her first LET Access Series win at the Ribeira Sacra Patrimonio de la Humanidad International Ladies Open in Spain. We get to know Marion with a few quick questions.

Do you have a nickname your friends refer to you by? If so what is it?


If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?

A panama hat, a bottle of Evian Water and my Swiss Knife

If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?


What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax?

Rock climbing

How do you spend your time in the airports?

Doing all the things I usually don’t have time to do

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

To be patient

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

Cow brain

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?


Do you supports a sports team? If yes who, and what sport?

I love all sports so basically all the French Teams and French athletes

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would love to visit New Zealand, I have never been but heard that it is beautiful!

What advice would you give to aspiring amateurs looking to turn professional?

Make sure to follow the Fluid Motion Factor Program!

Do you like cooking? If positive, what do you like / prefer to cook when you are at home with friends?

I love to cook and bake. I would go for a home-made crust apple pie

If you could have one celebrity follower on twitter who would it be?

Tiger Woods

Tell us something you hate doing. Why?

I hate packing for long trip. I always go over the airplane weight limit because I want to take too many things with me

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

At The Evian Championship

What has been you biggest golfing achievement?

Being able to play in competition the way I play during practice, it took me at least 10 years to achieve it!

What is your favourite golf course to play and why?

Geneva Golf Club in Switzerland because it is in great shape all year long. You can practice any shots on this golf course!

Do you have any superstitions before playing golf?

I need my pitchmark remover in my right pocket.

Age you started playing golf? Who /how did you get involved in golf?

I started when I was 7 years old. One of my friends from school was quite sad because there were only boys at the golf school and she wanted a girl to come play with her. So I decided to go and my grandparents took me every Wednesday

Age you got your first handicap?


What is your best travel tip?

Never put your ID or Passport in your trouser pocket!

Your lowest ever round of golf? Where and when?

67 on a par 72 at the European Amateur Championship in 2012 at G&CC Ljubljana in Slovenia

What’s your favourite club in your bag?

My putter

What’s in your golf bag? And apart from clubs and golf balls?

Pitchmark remover, LET Member Card, PGA France Card, FFgolf Licence card, Evian Resort Golf Academy card, snacks, blue sharpy, Evian water

What is your average driving distance?

It is difficult to say because the roll varies during the season but it is around 230m carry

What tournament are you looking forward to most this season?

The Evian Qualifier

If you could pick a dream fourball partner who would it be and why?

Tiger Woods, he is my favourite player and it would be a blast to share a round with him

What is your Favourite distance to practise?

50 meters

If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be?

If I could wake up tomorrow morning speaking a new language fluently, it would be German. If not, I am happy with the 3 languages I already speak!

What were your first set of golf clubs?

My mum’s half set

Your team would be composed of…

Golf coach: Cyril Miranda

Physio: Brigitte Savey

Mental: Steven Yellin (Fluid Motion Factor)

My favourite place to practice during the Winter: L’Indoor Geneva