Getting to Know Flora Peuch

A returning player this year to the LET Access Series. Flora Peuch gained her LET card for the 2017 season. We ask her a few quick questions…

Who is your favourite golfer?

Rory McIIroy

What’s your favourite club in your bag?

My 54 degree wedge as I can do many things with it and I like to play with it as I get good reaction with it on the green

What’s been your biggest golfing achievement of your career?

I won a regional tournament as a junior in France, it was not a big tournament but it meant a lot to me

Which is your favourite golf course?

I used to live in Naples and there is a golf course I love there

What is the one thing you could not live without?

I love wine as a hobby as I trained in it. I love to smell wine and the aroma, it is a real passion of mine

What is your favourite food?

Aioli – this is a mix of mayonnaise and garlic. We eat a lot of it in the south of France

How would you spend your perfect day?

In the morning, I would do good sports training, then I will go to the beach, after I will have lunch and in the afternoon, I will train for golf.

Your favourite city?

Miami as I love the weather and the people are nice

Describe yourself in one word?


What do you like doing besides playing golf?

Spending time with my family and friends, and also my dog Frida

If you could travel anywhere where would you go?


What’s your best golfing tip for a beginner?

To be patient and not to get frustrated

Do you have any superstitions before a round?

I must get my makeup correct or I feel like I will have a bad day

What is your most memorable sporting moment?

When France won the Soccer World Cup in 1998 as I was watching this with my sister and we had so much fun

What’s in your golf bag besides golf balls and clubs?

I have a lucky stone. I also keep one dollar in my wallet as it brings luck, this is what my dad tells me. I also have to have seven golf balls in my bag for luck, obviously, I don’t lose them all its just for luck

What are your goals for 2017?

To enjoy the season and to be proud of myself