Catching up with Marita Engzelius

Norway’s Marita Engzelius returns as defending champion this week in Terre Blanche. We catch up with Marita before the tournament gets underway and find out what she has been up to since the 2018 season…

How do you feel about returning to Terre Blanche after your maiden win on the LET Access Series in 2018?

Very happy to be returning to this beautiful course! Last year I really fell in love with the area and the people at the club were so friendly!

How are you going to approach the week as the returning Champion?

Unfortunately, I am just about to start practicing again after I broke a bone in my back in January. Recovery has gone well, but unfortunately I will not have time to prepare as much as I would like. It was difficult to think about not returning to Terre Blanche, and I am very thankful to go back this year although not under the circumstances I wanted. I am going to approach this week with thankfulness that I am able to compete again!

What have you been up to since last season?

I have been working while injured, but now I am really looking forward to start this new season. 

What are you working on in your game at the moment?

Hopefully I will manage to hit a driver the next few days, just taking each step slowly 🙂 

What else have you been doing other than golf since the 2018 LET Access Series Season?

I have been working to earn some money for this year’s travel. 

What tournament are you most excited to go to this year and why?

I am really looking forward to compete again, so all tournaments are most welcome!

What did you learn from last year on the Access series?

That the Access Series really travels to some unique places!

What advice would you give to a new member on the LET Access Series?

Enjoy a little something outside the course. Fun to experience the places you travel to, other then the golf courses.

What is your favourite thing about competing on the tour?

The local people we get to meet. They always makes us feel so welcome!