A Quick 18 with Anastasia Kostina

                                                        Anastasia Kostina

Russia´s Anastasia Kostina, winner of the 2012 Golfstream Ladies Open, answers 18 quick questions.

With whom would you like to trade places for a day?

I’m happy to be myself!

What words do you live by?

Be happy every day, live your day as if it’s your last.

How would you spend a perfect day?

Outside, probably hiking, swimming, playing a quick three-hour round of golf.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?

I would probably buy a couple of little places in different parts of the world in America, Russia and Europe so I can sit in one place for a long time. I love doing what I do so I wouldn’t change that.

If you could be joined by any three-people in a four-ball, who would you choose?

I love to play with my sister and my parents. My mum is playing a little bit but I hope they will learn a bit more and we can play together.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I can play the piano a little bit but haven’t practised in a long time.

Who is your favourite sportsperson?

I was lucky enough to meet and play golf with Alexi Kovalev, a Russian hockey player. He has a family and I’m really impressed by him as an athlete and as a person as well. He inspires me and I think he is one of the real athletes and really good people.

Who is your favourite comedian?

I think I know more comedians in America than Russia. Jim Gaffigan is one of the funny ones. It’s hard to find one that’s not dirty comedy these days. I think he’s one of the better ones.

What do you find tiresome?

I hate waiting and not having anything to do. If I have a book it’s okay, but I hate to wait.

If you weren’t a golfer, what profession would you choose?

When I was little everybody thought I would be a doctor but I think it’s a little bit too late now. I studied psychology and I really enjoyed it. I would probably do something related to sports.

What one word describes you best?


What is your favourite leisure activity?

I love to do things outside so in the winter, skiing. In the summer, volley ball, water-skiing, tennis, anything.

Dogs or cats person?

I love dogs the most.

What is the best part of your game?

I would say short iron play.

What is your favourite club in the bag?

I love them all. I can’t pick one.

What is your favourite golf course?

To me, if a golf course has good greens, it’s really good. There are a couple of courses in Northern Idaho that are absolutely beautiful. There is one called Gozzer Range. There are a few really pretty courses in Russia as well, like Tseleevo, where the Challenge Tour event has been held, for example. It’s just beautiful but it only has about 20 members I think!

What is your favourite snack?

Almonds, plums and dried mangoes, but bananas are usually the fruits I take on the course.

Describe your proudest moment.

My proudest moment was 2007 when I played LPGA qualifying and there are two stages. In the first attempt at the first stage I played really poorly and at the second attempt for the second stage I played really, really well the first few days and you have to make top 20 to qualify for the next one. I realised I had to shoot under par to qualify and I have never been so nervous in my life. I’ve played three World Championships before and I’ve played Russian Championships, I’ve played a whole year on the Futures Tour, but never been so nervous all day. I actually managed to pull myself together and was able to shoot good enough to go to the final stage. Considering how nervous I was I thought it was good. The Russian Amateur: it was my dream to win the Russian Amateur for a long time and I finished second five times. In 2005 I was leading all four rounds and won over Maria Verchenova so that was a lot of fun because it was something I really wanted to do.