A Quick 18 with Danielle McVeigh

                                                 Danielle McVeigh


  1. Tell me something most people don’t know about you? I have a bit of a shoe fetish.
  2. What would you like to do for a living if you are not a pro golfer?  Marketing for the Olympics
  3. If you could possess any super human power what would it be?
  4. Education? Which University and degree?  National University of Ireland,Maynooth. I got 2.1 in Business and Management
  5. How many and which languages do you speak? Habla un pocquito Español. I studied Spanish in school, and my sister is a Spanish teacher.
  6. Who would be in your dream foursome? Rory McIlroy, Ben Hogan, My Dad
  7. What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax? Cinema, reading, or going out to the pub
  8. Do you have a favourite TV series? How I Met your Mother
  9. What invention do you wish you had thought of? The Internet
  10. What are your expectations in 2012 and targets when playing in the LET?  To play golf and enjoy it
  11. Best part of your game? Any Yardage in particularly that you are an expert? Weakest part of your game? Ball striking, pretty good from 100 yards. Weakest is streaky putting, when its good its great.
  12. Driving distance? Driving Distance is 250 yards, I dont know my putting average, I dont put much emphasis on stats, I know what parts of my game are good and those that can be improved
  13. Lowest round ever, where and when -5, St Andrews in 2007
  14. How many holes in one? 2, one at the Irish Open in 2009
  15. Favourite golf course in Europe? Royal County Down, my home course, in Northern Ireland
  16. Any friends already on this Tour? Tara Delaney, Katy McNichol, Rhain Thomas
  17. Any superstitions when playing golf? Nope
  18. Your team would be composed of… My coach, Neil Manchip