Jessica Yadloczky Rookie Blog One

This year, the LET will bring you a number of blogs from first year players. Here we hear from Jessica Yadloczky of Casselberry in Florida who finished 7th at LET Qualifying School for 2012. Jessica has a degree in Criminology from the University of Florida and her hobbies include site seeing and working out.

In Jessica’s most recent blog, dated 25th March, she wrote:                                      


Hey guys

Hate to be writing this but I missed my first cut this week shooting 76 75 on a par 71 course. In my honest opinion, I don’t think the scores represent how I am playing and am excited for our next tournament. I can easily find 5 or 6 strokes PER ROUND that could have been prevented. Danny and I were talking, and I have recently found out that I am able to play in the LET Access Series events (the LETs mini tour) in my off weeks and due to the fact that I don’t think I am in the Scottish Open, I think we are planning on going to France for a week to play in one of those mini tour events with a 5000$ purse. Much smaller but a lot of the players are going and it will be good experience and a chance to get ready for the Turkish Open May 10-13th. There is free housing at this event and am currently looking into the cheapest flights to France from Glasgow as I can. (If any of you know of something I don’t…let me know!! 🙂 I’m ready to play again and today (Sunday) I’m going out to practice some of the things I know I need to get better at for next time; Putting and Tee shots are what caused bogies.

On a better note, my stats did improve since last tournament in Orlando and for 2 days I didn’t have a score over a bogey. I got up and down a lot and am really proud about that.

Round 1 : 10/14 fairways
11/18 greens
2/2 sand saves
7/8 up and downs
32 putts (needs to be around 29)

Round 2 5/14 fairways
8/18 greens
1/1 sand saves
8/10 up and downs
32 putts

Anyways, off to the gym and then the course. We leave for Scotland in 2 days and will be there until the 9th if we go to France for that event or we will be there until May 1st or so until the Turkish open!

If any of you want to Skype my name is Jessica.yadloczky4 on Skype! Just let me know, email me!

Miss all of you and look forward to playing well in the next event. I have all the tools, great caddy, great short game and great distance, just need the accuracy and consistency to improve which will come with experience and comfort.

XO Jess