A Quick 18 with Kiran Matharu

1. What is your earliest sporting memory? My dad’s Cricket Team signing world’s No.3 Batsman Ijaz Ahmed.

2. What is the favourite club in your bag? 58 Degree Wedge

3. With whom would you like to play a fourball? Annika Sorenstam, Will Smith, Tiger Woods

4. What was your proudest moment? Winning the English Amateur.

5. What can’t you live without? iPhone

6. What is your favourite golf course? Pumpkin Ridge, Portland USA

7. Any superstitions? None

8. Who do you most admire? Jiyai Shin

9. What is your favourite meal? Mum’s home cooking (Indian)

10. How would you spend a perfect day? Gym & Golf in the morning, late lunch with my friends/cousins then movies & chilling in the evening!

11. What’s your motto for life? Live and let live.

12. Describe yourself in a word. Chilled

13. Neat or messy? Messy

14. What’s your favourite song at the moment? I don’t have one favourite song. I love loads, i just love music.

15. What’s your passion outside golf? Music

16. Motto for golf? It’s all about the process.

17. What’s in your golf bag other than clubs? The usual …….Tee’s, Balls, Food, Waterproofs, Umbrella, Pencils, Markers.

18. What is your best golfing tip? Practice what your not good a