Getting To Know Charlotte Leatham


England’s Charlotte Leatham is a rookie on the LET Access Series and LET this year. We get to know Charlotte with a few quick questions…


What is your most unusual talent?

I know every single lyric to One Direction…


How did you get into golf?

My dad was captain at his club, so I spent a lot of time down there with that and decided I wanted a go!


Who is your favourite golfer?

McIlroy.. only when he has a cap on though


What’s your favourite club in your bag?

Driver! It usually does as it’s told!


What’s been your biggest golfing achievement of your career?

Shooting 63 in Sweden is my biggest achievement of this year so far!


Which is your favourite golf course?

JCB in Stoke.. it’s incredible!


What is the one thing you could not live without?

My music! Or family for sure.


What is your favourite food?

Pasta! I can’t cook it, but I love it!


Who do you most look up to?

My mum, she amazes me every single day.


How would you spend your perfect day?

Playing golf with David Beckham, Rory McIlroy and Zac Efron.. then probably cool down by a beach somewhere with a daiquiri!


Your favourite city?



What’s your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate Digestives that have been in the freezer


Describe yourself in one word?

Generous and laidback


What would be your spirit animal, and why?

Hyaena because everybody says I laugh really, really loud!


What do you like doing besides playing golf?

Going on holiday or being by water, I love it.


If you could travel anywhere where would you go?

Bondi Beach in Australia


What’s your favourite karaoke song?

Got to be One


What is your most memorable sporting moment?

I’m not sure! There’s a few!


What’s your best golfing tip for a beginner?

Don’t give up and definitely don’t watch too many YouTube videos! See a professional in person instead!


Do you have any superstitions before a round?

Black coffee… and music is a must! I hole 3 six footers before I leave the putting green too.


What’s in your golf bag besides golf balls and clubs?

Everything !! Including a lucky C key ring.. nothing too exciting though!


What are your goals for 2019?

Maintain a better category for LET, and hopefully gain a card in Morocco for next year!