Getting to know LET Rookie Patricia Sanz Barrio from Spain

We meet the 23-year-old from Madrid who finished second on the 2013 LET Access Series Order of Merit after winning the Grecotel Amirandes Ladies Open. She turned pro in July and will be a rookie on the LET in 2014.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? My friend Andres, because he’ll find a way to get us out of there, matches to make fire and a knife. 

Tell us something you hate doing. Hate is a very strong word; there is not anything that I really hate.

If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be? Food.

If given a complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why? I would love to be a doctor. I love helping people.

If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day? Relaxing at home, hanging with my family, and maybe going to the movies with my friends.

What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax? Watch TV shows in my computer and lately reading.

Which is the funniest prank played on your or played by you? We plastic wrapped my coach’s car completely. Let’s just say it took her a while to get in the car the next morning.

Name something you consider yourself to be really good at (apart from golf)? Making pancakes or languages. I love learning new languages.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?Probably Antarctica, since I don’t think I will be travelling there in a golf trip anytime soon. 

How do you spend your time in the airports? Listening to music, watching TV shows, reading.

What’s your favourite midnight snack? I am not big in midnight snacking but probably Nutella, or something chocolate or ice cream.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Nothing ever comes easy. Never go backwards not even to gather momentum.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Snails, octopus, yak (which is a Chinese kinda bull).

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Passionate.

If I came to your home and looked inside the refrigerator, what would I find? At the end of the week emptiness! Normally, water, eggs, chicken, parmesan cheese, tomato sauce.

What do you consider your worst quality? And best one? Too impulsive sometimes, need to think more. Best one—I am very honest.

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why? The awful sensation of the alarm ringing. I don’t mind waking up early it’s the alarm that bothers me.

Do you like cooking? If positive, what do you like / prefer to cook when you are at home with friends? I like cooking pasta. Making homemade pizza, burgers, tacos—all healthy stuff. Pancakes.

What is the quality you appreciate the most? A sense of humour.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Playing golf around the world.

Words to live by live for the moment? Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that’s why is called present.

Best golf tip: Don’t think too much.  

Best part of your game: long game consistency.

Hidden Talent:  I could be a clown.

Biggest fear on the course: a big gator coming out of the lake and chasing me.

Superstitions (tell us if you have any): Try not to have any. I call them routine.

Dream foursome: Tiger Woods, Lorena Ochoa, My sister and me.

Favourite golfer and non-golf athlete: Lorena Ochoa, Justin Henin.

Favourite club in the bag: Driver and pitching wedge.

Favourite golf course and clubhouse (explain why): Sotogrande Golf Club. I believe is the best golf course in Europe that I have ever played.

Favourite distance and shot you love to practice: 103yards PW.

Lowest round ever: 65 at my home course, in the Madrid Ladies Amateur Open.

Your first set of clubs: Inessis.

Age you reached a scratch handicap: 17.

Age you first broke 70: 16.

What’s in your bag? Ball markers, pencils, gloves, lipstick, range finder, Mardi Gras beads (gift ;))

What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you while playing golf? Once I was so tired I fell asleep in the cart for just a second, while the girls I was playing with stopped and I ran their cart over.  Everyone came out alive and without injuries.

Your best shot to date: Par 3, hole 17 Sotogrande, last round; very tough windy conditions. Had a couple of shots to the second, and I hit my 9 iron, perfect draw, and it hit the flag and stayed one foot from the hole. Almost my first hole in one.

Driving distance and average putts per round? 230yards. 32 putts.

Who is on your team? Coach: Antonio Barquero; fitness coach: Martin Siebelist; physical therapist: Cristina Gomez-Cano and support team: my family

Your family: Mother (Marina) Father (Carmelo) One sister (Marta).

Your pets: two German shepherds.  

Your hero: My uncle and my college coach: both cancer survivors.  

Your music and what´s on your playlist: I love music, all apart from deep country. You can find from The Fray, Johnny Cash, Imagine Dragons, David Guetta or Lady Gaga.

Your aroma (perfume, scent): Lacoste.

Your colour: Purple.

Your favourite food: seafood.

Your ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough.

Your sin: gluttony

Your secret: happiness.

Your fantasy: that magic exists.

Your drink/cocktail: tequila/margaritas.

Your snack: milk-chocolate muesli cereal.(preferably Selectia or Quackers)

Your novel (favourite book and writer): Harry Potter (J.K. Rowlin) or Hunger Games (S. Collins)

Your film (favourite film, actor/actress, director…): hard question—many favourites: Love Actually, Bridesmaids, The Last Samurai, the Island, all Harry Potter, Hunger Games. Favourite actor: Anthony Hopkins. Actress: Charlize Thereon/ Rachel MacAdams.

Your tournament (it could be the best one you have played or the one you would love to play in the future. Please explain): The Evian. Love France and it’s a great tournament.

Your inspiration: my family.

Your best memory so far: skiing trip with my family. Lots of laughs and great time.

Your best golf achievement that you are most proud of: Winning the SEC Championship my last year in college. The course was the toughest I have ever played, plus the conditions were very tough as well and I won individually and we won as a team. I had to make the last putt to win by one both individually and as a team.

Your rituals at home (when you wake up and when you go to bed): I don’t have rituals. I have necessities. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. When I go to bed, if I’m struggling to fall asleep I open a book and it puts me right into my sleep.  

Your dream: Retire when I am 30 and have a huge family.