All about South African LET rookie Kim Williams

The 27-year-old from Pretoria started her year in style with a win at the Sunshine Ladies Tour’s launch event after finishing in a tie for 10th at LET Lalla Aicha Tour School in December. Here we get to know the former SA number one amateur better.

Tell us about your family. I have two brothers: Sean, who is five years older and Craig, who is two years older.

Tell us about your pets. I have two Jack Russells: Rizzla and Sasha.

Who is your hero? Nelson Mandela.

What’s on your play list? From country to rap.

What’s your favourite food? Braai (Barbeque).

What’s your favourite colour? Baby Blue.

What is your perfume? Diesel – Fuel for Life unlimited.

What’s your favourite snack? Biltong.

What’s your favourite film? The Green Mile.

What’s your tournament? I’d love to play the British Open at St Andrews, the home of golf.

What’s your best memory so far? Getting my LET tour card for the 2014 season.

What’s your best golfing achievement? Representing SA ten times as an amateur.

Tell us something you hate doing. I hate cleaning up in the kitchen, I love cooking and I have always believed that the chef never cleans.

If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be? Clothing.

If given a complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why? Still golf as it is a sport where there is only yourself to blame if things don’t go your way.

What is the funniest prank played on your or played by you? While my friend and I were playing an amateur event, we were walking down the fairway and I was telling her a story (can’t remember the story).  While looking at her talking she stopped with sudden fear and was looking down at my feet, she then proceeded to scream “Puff Adder!” (a very venomous snake) as if I was about to stand on one.  Out the corner of my eye I saw something.  As I turned to look down I stopped, screamed and jumped about 5 meters backwards.  The Puff Adder was just a stick I was about to stand on and by the time I realised that there was no snake my friend was rolling on the ground in laughter.  We giggled for about four holes after that.

Name something you consider yourself to be really good at (apart from golf)? Darts.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Thailand.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Live in the moment and not in the past or future.

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Entertaining.

What’s inside your fridge? Leftover food from the Braai (barbeque) the day before and probably fruit and a lot of dairy products.

What do you consider your best and worst quality? Worst probably time management and best focus.

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why? My alarm clock in the morning; definitely not a morning person.

What do you like to cook when you are at home with friends? I love cooking, and love to Braai (Barbeque) because a braai is just so much more social than standing in a kitchen while your friends keep themselves entertained.  A braai everyone can stand around the fire and have a chat.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Playing on both LPGA and LET tours.

Words to live by live for the moment: Never give up/you never know what tomorrow holds/no regrets.

What’s your best golf tip? Keep your head down.

What’s the best part of your game? Driving accuracy.

What’s your hidden talent? Range trick with two balls.

Biggest fear on the course? Lost ball.

Who would you pick to play in a dream foursome? Annika Sorenstam, Laura Davies, Luke Donald and myself.

What’s your favourite golf course and clubhouse? Whispering Pines (Houston, Texas, USA) as it is the closest I think to playing on a course suitable for a Major. I like the clubhouse at Centurion Country Club.  You sit on the patio after your round of golf and over look four holes which are all surrounded by a lake, with an amazing atmosphere and view.

What’s your favourite club? Driver.

What shot do you love to practice? 60 metre pitching.

What was your lowest ever round? 63 at The Els Club Copperleaf, 2013.

Your first set of clubs: Little Tigers.

Age you first reached a scratch handicap? 20.

Age you broke 70: 18.

Your best shot to date? 5-iron Hole in One at the Astor Trophy playing for South Africa against New Zealand’s Lydia Ko to beat her 1 up.

Average driving distance and putts per round:  +/- 240 metres and +/- 31.

How many holes in one have you had? Four.

Who’s on your team? My coach Llewellyn Van Leeuwen, psychologist Theo Bezuidenhout, fitness trainer Gavin Groves and manager/sponsor Paul Van Der Skuif (Sunlight Solar).