Interview with LET rookie Josephine Janson

Getting to know the 22-year-old from Halmstad in Sweden, who played for Oklahoma State University, before coming through Lalla Aicha Tour School in December 2013.

All about Josephine…

If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be? Birdies.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Hawaii.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? GPS phone, a knife and a golf club.

Tell us something you hate doing. Getting gas for my car as it’s boring.

If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day? I would work out in the morning and then enjoy the day with friends.

What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax? Watch a movie.

Name something you consider yourself to be really good at (apart from golf)? Skiing.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? Be yourself.

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Driven.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Snake.

What’s inside your refrigerator? A lot of fruit, vegetables and other things that are good for you.

What do you consider your worst and best quality? – My worst quality is that I sometimes dwell in the past. My best quality is that I never give up.

What is the quality you appreciate the most – To be confident in yourself and at the same time be respectful of others.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years? – Playing on the LET and the LPGA.

What’s your best golf tip? Believe in yourself.

What’s the best part of your game? All of the parts are at a similar level.

What’s your favourite club in the bag? Putter.

What’s your hidden talent? I’m a good fencer.

What’s your best ever score? Ten under par in qualifying for high school Swedish championship.

What was your first set of clubs? A 9 iron, 7 iron and 3-wood from US kids’ golf.

At what age did you reach a scratch handicap? 15.

When did you break 70? 14.

What’s your average driving distance? 230 metres.

How many holes in one have you had? 2.

Who is on your team? My golf coach Fredrik Wetterstrand.

Who is in your family? My mother, father and sister.

Do you have any pets? A dog: a shar pei named Caesar.

What’s on your play list? House and soul.

What’s your perfume? Flora Gucci.

What’s your favourite colour? Green.

What’s your favourite snack? Fruit.

What’s your sin? Sweets.

Your favourite novel:  Män som hatar kvinnor of Stieg Larsson.

Your favourite film: Love Actually.

What’s your dream? I would love to play in The Solheim Cup.

What’s your best golfing memory? Winning the Girls’ European Team Championship in 2008.

What’s your best golfing achievement? Finishing tied for 4th at tour school to get my LET card for 2014.